光と影の世界/The world of light and the shadow
I made works to express the world beauty that light and a shadow created for oneself somehow.
I began the handwoven textiles which were the heart's desire recently. Therefore I am enough including the making of cotton in a private vegetable garden and I spin cotton and do it to a thread and do dyeing with vegetable dyes, and the manufacturing seems to continue.

春色 油彩 キャンバスS3
I made works to express the world beauty that light and a shadow created for oneself somehow.
I began the handwoven textiles which were the heart's desire recently. Therefore I am enough including the making of cotton in a private vegetable garden and I spin cotton and do it to a thread and do dyeing with vegetable dyes, and the manufacturing seems to continue.

春色 油彩 キャンバスS3